We’re coming close to launching a crowdfunding campaign!
Hello everyone, in recent weeks our team has done some amazing work on behalf of this project. I’d like to give special thanks to Katie Scott for producing our project introductory video, to Perfect Web Solutions for implementing several enhancements to this website, to Wendy Lautner for her work on the forthcoming newsletter (the signup form for which should appear at the bottom of your screen), and to Jayme Zupo for producing the cool graphics that are on this site. Also, special thanks to Lee Chazen and GliderCell for producing a lot of the content on this site. Hopefully, Lee and I will be able to record an introductory podcast episode in the next couple of weeks.
We are also close to launching a crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter. I am pleased to announce that we have a pre-launch website, wherein you can sign up to be notified when the campaign goes live: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/enlightenedworldview/the-enlightened-worldview-project. When it goes live, you will be able to pre-order the book that is under development and you will be able to to contribute to the project in other ways as well. Do you think that this world could use more societal understanding and inner awareness? If so, please join us, and we’ll go on this journey together! We need your help to make this project a success.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me brandon@enlightenedworldview.com