About Brandon Nørgaard
I’m a writer, researcher, and community organizer. With some friends, I co-founded of The Enlightened Worldview Project (EWP) and I have contributed to several organizations in the areas of community development, sensemaking, educational reform, civic engagement, and mindfulness practice. I am based in Northern California and I have a background in software engineering. I came into the fields of sociology and philosophy because of deep interest and also because I had some ideas brewing in my mind for several years that I thought could be beneficial to the greater efforts at reforming society and addressing the meta-crisis. My main areas of interest are integral theory, metamodernism, bildung, phenomenology, psychology, and social science.
My contributions and associations include:
- I am a grad student at the California Institute for Human Science and I am conducting research through the Center for Applied Integrative Metatheory, which is one of the university’s research centers.
- I have assisted with organizational planning for some Liminal Web adjacent communities, including the ICON Future Human Conference and the Emerge Gathering. I have also served as an inter-organizational ambassador to promote better coordination between organizations and movements.
- I have been involved with the World Wise Web working group and the Collaborative Tech Alliance and I have assisted in efforts to map the ecosystem of human tech projects, platforms, apps, and systems and to develop processes and protocols for interoperability.
- I am a member of Gregg Henriques’ Unified Theory of Knowledge Society. I presented at the last two UTOK Consilience Conferences: In ’23 on the topic of Enlightenment 2.0: Bridging the Gap Through the Convergence of Western and Eastern Enlightenment Traditions, and in ’24 on Bildung and Enlightenment 2.0 at the Time of the Fifth Joint Point.
- I have been involved with the Arch-Disciplinary Research Center. We have been involved recently with comparing Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory with Gregg Henriques’ Unified Theory of Knowledge. I presented at a salon hosted by this organization on Archdisciplinarity and the Meta-Crisis.
- I have been doing research that analyzes and compares the various approaches to addressing the meta-crisis, which I published here. I presented my findings in a session of the web series The Stoa.
- I have appeared in episodes of podcast series including The Integral Stage, UTOKing with Gregg, This Journey, MetaView, and Meta-Ideological Politics.
- I contributed to the educational course Overflowing Purpose, which was created by Lee Mason and hosted by Integral Life.
- I also co-hosted a series of online salons hosted by Integral Life called Integral Sensemaking for Global and National Events.